

About Emerald City Comic Con
Navigate the world of cosplay and Emerald City Comic Con with EMbot!
​​​​​​Emerald City Comic Con is the destination comic and pop culture show for the Pacific Northwest. ECCC delivers the best that the comics and pop culture industry has to offer directly from the creators, bringing super fans exactly what they crave: interaction with quality content and guests and inclusive space to celebrate their fandom. Being one of the largest conventions in the United States, ECCC demands a rebrand to best help their new and old customers.
What is a Chatbot?
A chatbot is a program that is usually used to create a conversation with human users. Often chatbots are used to help or assist users with information through messaging platforms. Chatbots can be a variety of things such as voice bots, menu-based bots, or support-based bots but they all have the same purpose. Help the user and solve the problem. 
Design Objective
As the popularity of conventions continues to rise, a higher demand is required to make the process of attending much easier. Conventions have many things going on whether that'd be events, guest signings, or cosplay competitions the act of attending can be complicated. The goal of this chatbot is to create a persona for the convention(EM), that will answer any questions the users may have about ECCC. but will create a comforting presence that will introduce users to the world of conventions
Answering and giving information about the convention center all while teaching users about ECCC.
Conventions have a lot of rules and regulations to follow, so I want to make EMbot informative without it being boring. Whatever questions that need to be answered I want to be able to answer them in an organized fashion while keeping the essence of the brand.
Target Audience
Due to its size, ECCC has a wide variety of customers but has recently angled itself to more families and such. The age ranges from five years old to thirty years old. Many attendees have a love for everything nerdy and are often coming from out of state to the convention.
Research & Competitive Audit
Design Process
Through my research, I found that Denver Fan Expo uses a chatbot as well for its users. This chatbot provided answers on the conventions and the rules around it, there was also information on areas to eat or places to park. Although the conversation was informative, it felt very robotic and there was little to no personality in the bot. 
Another problem I noticed that ECCC and Denver Fan Expo had was that there was no specific mascot representing them, both brands have identifiable logos but I felt that the addition of some kind of mascot could make them more identifiable. 
Based on some of the most asked questions, I decided to make a more menu-based chatbot for users who have common questions about the convention. I also implemented some aspects of users being able to type their problems and the chatbot giving the answer they feel will help them best. As well as helpful links for other things like parking and where to buy secondhand tickets.

EmBot Flowchart


Walkthrough of Chatbot

Based on some of the most asked questions, I decided to make a more menu-based chatbot for users who have common questions about the convention. I also implemented some aspects of users being able to type their problems and the chatbot giving the answer they feel will help them best. As well as helpful links for other things like parking and where to buy secondhand tickets.
Final Thoughts
Based on some of the most asked questions, I decided to make a more menu-based chatbot for users who have common questions about the convention. I also implemented some aspects of users being able to type their problems and the chatbot giving the answer they feel will help them best. As well as helpful links for other things like parking and where to buy secondhand tickets.
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